Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Great Birthday Week

What a great birthday week! It started off a little hard with the adjustment back from having the girls gone for a few days at the grandparents, but Wednesday, my actual birthday was awesome. Seth took off work all day so that I could have a day to myself. I got to sleep in, go on a walk with my dog, shopping, and a massage. The best part of the day was when I came home from my massage, Savannah and Emily greeted me at the door and yelled "Happy Birthday! We made you a cake!" Seth had taken them to the grocery store to get a cake mix and frosting and then they all came home and baked the cake together. The girls love to help with baking, so they were so proud and excited about the birthday cake.

Then, today I got to hang out with a good friend while our kids played, then we even got some walking in. Later I took another friend's kids to play at the park and McDonald's with Emily and Savannah. They totally loved it! All four kids played so well together. The conversations in the van were entertaining as well. What a fun day!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Hilarious Coversation

So, today my girls were playing in their little kitchen and their toy telephone which Emily announces, " I think it's Michael Jackson calling. Yeah, it's Michael Jackson." Savannah replies, "No, he's not done dying yet." Emily responds, "Yeah, they put his body in a basket, a shiny basket." I thought this was hilarious.

Monday, July 13, 2009

3.5 Days Without Kids

For the first time since Emily and Savannah were born, I left them with the grandparents for more than just a night. 3.5 days to be exact. Wednesday I drove the girls to my mom and dad's house and then drove myself back home so Seth and I could get some major spruce up and fixer upper jobs done on our house in preparation of selling it. I originally was worried the girls would not be happy about me leaving them, but it turns out they were quite happy to be with just Grammie and Pop. Yay! So my next thought was that Seth and I were going to get to spend some much needed quality time together...Wrong!! Seth was so project focused he totally didn't get that I needed us to go out and do something we normally can't do with the girls. Silly as it may sound, that something was go eat buffet at Pizza Hut. What a dream date, huh? Well, this was something that Seth and I both enjoyed pre-babies. Now, with Emily having the milk allergy, there is no way we can all go to a pizza place and have something to eat. So, it's been at least 2 years since we've done that. So, when I suggested it to Seth, he was not interested and wanted to keep working on our house. I got mad, had my feelings hurt, and basically was not very nice to him for a good 5 hours that day. When he finally realized I was upset, I yelled and cried and explained what I thought would have been fun. Expressed my worry about what could happen if we don't even take time to spend fun time together outside of our house when we get a break from parenthood for a few days...ahhhhhhh what a day. So frustrating. He saw my point, but by then it was a bit too late to do anything, and I was still a little upset. So, we worked. The next day we spent all day painting and cleaning until midnight. Our house was all out of order by Saturday, so we finished some last minute painting, did finally go out for lunch (although not a Pizza Hut), and then cleaned our house up and put everything back in order so the girls could come home to a safe house.

Now, the adjustment back has been rough to say the least. Yesterday it was Savannah who had tantrum after tantrum. My parents were still here, so I think that contributed to the conflict. My girls got a bit spoiled with attention and williningness to do EVERYTHING for them while they were at Grammie and Pop's house. Today, Emily was in a foul mood from morning till bedtime. I was so ready for them to go to sleep--I was drained, tired of fighting with them, and tired of hearing the word "NO"...and now suddenly Emily is spitting all over the house when she gets mad or doesn't get her way. What is with that, and how do I get her to stop?

We'll see what tomorrow holds.