Thursday, March 13, 2008

Funny baby!

So I had to put this on my blog before I forget. It was so funny at the time. Yesterday when I was trying to get Savannah dressed in regular clothes for the day, she decided to run down the hall to her room only wearing her diaper. About 2 minutes later she came back, totally naked and handed me her wet diaper, saying "here-go". I just laughed and then frantically ran to her room for a clean diaper. While I was getting the diaper I was calling to Savannah down the hall, "please don't pee!". She tried to run away when I put the new diaper on and she has become quite good at quickly unfastening the diaper velcro strips, so I finally got a onesie on her so she couldn't get her diaper off again. I'm sure this is just the first of many unexpected diaperless moments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey i didn't know you had a blog!! we can keep in touch now. take care!