Friday, May 30, 2008

What a day...

Today I can honestly say that I got my rear kicked by being a mom of toddler twins. I just spent the last half hour crying and venting to Seth about everything that has been going on. Can I just say dealing with double tantrums is not going well for me? Maybe I'm really finding out how much of a control freak I am and that's why I'm so upset these days. Honestly it feels like all out war sometimes between me and the girls. The mornings now are nothing but round after round of fighting--fighting to change the girls' diapers, fighting to get them to wash their hands, fighting to get the cleaned up after the meal, fighting to get them to brush teeth or allow me to do it for them, fighting to get them dressed, fighting to get them to be nice to each other, fighting, fighting, fighting, fighting! I am so tired of it. I know all this behavior is normal for their age, but when will it stop? And will I survive a sane person once it finally does stop? The biggest tantrum I've seen so far happened tonight just before dinner. We decided to take Emily and Savannah out to their kiddie pool to swim and it just snowballed from there. Both girls were scared of any leaf or flower petal that crossed their path between the door and the pool...they played in the pool for maybe 10 minutes then wanted out, but not to go inside, to walk around the patio in their towels, but only if we removed any and every leaf in sight (we have the helicopter leaves from the neighbor's tree that fall on our patio). Finally we got them inside only to smell an awful odor coming from her in the bathroom to discover she had diarhea in her swim diaper. I decided to cut it off of her instead of pulling it off like underpants to avoid spreading the poop all over. Put Emily in the tub...Savannah throwing a tantrum because she thought she wasn't going to get to take a bath...get swimsuit off of Savannah, discover poop in her swim diaper...Savannah gets mad and wants to keep her diaper ON, major physical battle proceeds. Savannah ends up flailing her body and screaming/crying to the point she ends up upside down as I'm trying to take off her diaper. Poop is falling out onto the floor, and onto Savannah, the towel underneath her, the wall, the tub, etc. Finally get Savannah in the tub, and now both Emily and Savannah are hysterical and screaming and crying to get out of the tub--all while small poop remnants begin floating in the tub, which freaks the girls out even more. Still more screaming, I'm trying to wash Emily as quickly as I can, get her out of the tub. Seth takes Emily to get new diaper and dry clothes. Empty tub so Savannah will have clean water. Savannah gets even more mad, back in the tub, screaming fighting me. I end up in the bath tub with her trying to calm her down and wash the poop off of her...get her out of the tub to realize she has poop smell in her hair. Take her to the kitchen after new diaper put on and wash her hair in the sink, all while Savannah is still screaming and crying. Finally both girls are clean, Emily wants to eat dinner, Savannah screaming, does not. Mommy and Savannah read a few books then eat, then bedtime routine finally can take place. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For now, I must go sanitize our bathroom and wash a few loads of laundry to rid our house of the smell of poop...I pray tomorrow is a better day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the boys are SO CLOSE in age that sometimes i feel like i have twins. i can relate to some of the things you are saying :)
although, being a twin i totally know what you are talking about :)
one thing (okay i am replying to both your posts)...remove emily and put her in her room immediately when she bites or does something else, or one little thing i do is squeeze the pressure point between their thumb and pointer finger...that always gets their attention and it keeps you from feeling like you are spanking all the time. you need to make them spend time w/ seth and if you can either leave them w/ him for like an hour once a week, then you can breathe. YOU HAVE to take a breather...even if it's hard to walk away. one other thing, take the girls on date's by themselves. rotate taking the girls on errands while seth spends time w/ the other. that might help cut down on the fighting...okay sorry this is long. just some things that kevin and i have tried...we had a biter too... it's hard...but it gets better, AND WE all have poop stories :)