Saturday, April 18, 2009

Why is this so hard?

I really almost got out the other set of clothing I had been planning to save today and got ready to tag it...but I just can't. No matter how rational I think about it and convince myself I don't need to save it, that it's just taking up a lot of extra space in our house--I just cannot bring myself to sell it or even give it away. Why is this so hard? Does it hold that much sentimental value? Or, am I afraid I might need it later on? Right now, Seth and I are both leaning more toward the not needing it...but what if I change my mind? What if we do need it? If I get rid of it, then I'll have to buy all new clothing later that practical? Or is taking up lots of space in my house practical?

Seriously, I was about in tears when I started looking through the storage boxes of their outgrown spring/summer clothing. Is that normal?

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