Friday, June 12, 2009

A Positive End To A Very Hard Week

This week has been hard. Just plain hard. Trying to potty train both Emily and Savannah proved too much for me to handle. So, I gave up. I'll try again in a few weeks. They just want to play and I was fighting with them almost everytime I wanted them to try using the potty chair. And, I decided I need to Scotch Guard my couches. Savannah peed on one cushion and never told me until she got her leg stuck in our gate above the stairs. I helped her get out and realized her pants were wet, but didn't find a wet spot beneath when I asked her where she went pee she ran over to the couch and pointed to a soaked couch cushion. How frustrating. It had sat long enough to soak into the foam, so I wasn't able to get all of it soaked up. Yesterday I had the girls back in diapers and Savannah's leaked when she was sitting on that same cushion. Again, she never came and told me and I found it much later. So, that couch cushion now smells like urine and Woolite Carpet and Upholstry cleaner. Yum.

I think I was really stressed out and overwhelmed about the whole potty training task and to top it off the girls were not being cooperative or getting a long with each other at all until today. Today was great. We went for a walk in the park, then visited the playground, then home and a quick visit to my allergist to get my shots. Then I braved Target again. This time the girls stayed with me the whole entire time we were in the store. Amazing!

When we got home we all ate lunch and then took a really long nap. We got up, played outside and then when it was time for dinner, the girls willingly came in without too much fuss (a rare occurence). During dinner Emily looks over at me and says, "Mommy, you're my favorite friend in the whole world". She had the biggest smile on her face. That made my day. As much as I have yelled at the girls this week, I totally feel undeserving of such a compliment, but so thankful that my little girls are still so very forgiving at this age. Savannah tells us daily that she loves us. In fact she'll tell you several times a day and list everyone that she loves. Often she'll follow the statement with a big hug and kiss. These are the memories I hope I never forget.

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