Monday, March 9, 2009

Naptime battle continues...

AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I am so frustrated! I just went into Savannah's room because she was crying, and AGAIN, I find her naked and then she tells me she pottied in her closet. After I clean up that mess, she then tells me she also pottied in her room, by her babydoll stroller. Grrrr........I just don't even know what to say. So I pick up Savannah to put her on the changing pad to put on a new diaper, and she's saying over and over "I don't want a spanking". I took a deep breath and told her no, no spanking would happen. I again, told her no taking off diaper, no pottying on the floor, we potty in the potty chair or in the diaper. So then she tells me she didn't want to sleep and that she had pulled out several items from her closet that she has been told to leave alone. I finally took everything off of her dresser, changing pad and diapers included and put them in the hall for now. I tried to put as many things out of reach on the top shelf of her closet as I could. She's figuring out how to climb to reach I think I'll have to keep removing things from her room if she keeps that up. I did take her rocking chair out of her room because we figured out she was using it to reach the blinds and had been pulling them down, or getting on top of her dresser.

Emily, on the other hand, calmly lays down and goes to sleep. She doesn't throw a tantrum, she leaves her clothes and diaper on. She doesn't seem to have the desire to totally destroy her room. I guess I should be thankful that she is at least cooperative right now and I'm only having to deal with Savannah's naptime misbehavior. I just want to know WHY? Why does Savannah keep doing this? We've been trying the sticker chart, and it seems to be working at nighttime, but not naptime.

I'm expecting a call from my PAT educator. I'm hoping she'll have some new suggestions. Until then, Savannah will be required to wear backwards, one-piece zip-up jammies for all sleeping occasions for the next month. I keep giving her chances to earn the right to just wear what ever she wants to bed, but each time I do, she disrobes and then pees all over the floor or bed. It's a viscious cycle.

Hey--I'm proud of myself for not getting all raging mad this time. I was frustrated and told Savannah so, but I didn't yell, and I didn't spank, and I didn't throw anything this time. Small step toward progress.

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