Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Naptime/Bedtime wars continue.

I am absolutely going out of my mind with frustration. Savannah is still not staying in her bed for naptime or bedtime. She has gone from coming out of her room to staying in the room--however she has repeatedly chosen to take off her jammies or clothes everyday/night when it's time for bed. The past few nights, she'll cry because she's cold--and she cries for almost an hour. We eventually go in to check on her and find her in only a diaper or no diaper. Today, she took off her pants and diaper and peed on the carpet in front of her door. We have told her over and over and over, no taking off diaper at nap or bed time. I tell her she can pee in the diaper or on the potty chair, no pottying in her bed or on the floor. This only happens when she is expected to take a nap or go to sleep at night--no other time does she take off her clothes or diaper and have the potty issue. I'm back to putting her in backwards jammies...but that doesn't keep her in her bed. I am so tired of cleaning up extra, (in my mind unnecessary) messes!

1 comment:

secrowe said...

I have no idea what it's like to have two-year-old twins, but it certainly sounds like you have your hands full! As I can't offer to help, I will definitely pray for you. And feel free to call anytime you need to vent-I'm always happy to listen. I'll e-mail you the number.