Monday, March 7, 2011

God Is Working

So for the last few months I've felt some kind of change is coming. First it seemed Seth's job change was it. Then, the sudden onset of more peaceful times in our house seemed to be it. The girls are more manageable now, our interactions with each other are much more positive and loving than testing the limits of how much "no!" I could take and how much "no!" they could accept. Things are good. I am now tapering off of the antidepressants and hope to never need them again. But something else is stirring in my life. God is working and right now I'm just not sure what he's doing yet, but it's going to be big, I just have this feeling. So I for now, I'm trying to be patient, praying more about direction in life, if I should return to school to pursue another degree, or if my purpose is to continue staying home, making me more available to help people on much more flexible schedule. God is working on me...and it's going to be big.