Monday, March 31, 2008

Crazy Day With A Happy Ending

Well today was crazy to say the least. This morning I accidentally gave Emily the wrong bowl of oatmeal...the bowl intended for Savannah was made with whole milk, which Emily is very allergic to. So...15 minutes after eating the entire bowl of whole milk oatmeal, Emily got really cranky and was crying and at first I thought the redness around her eyes was from the crying and rubbing, but it turns out Emily was rubbing her eyes because they were really itchy and starting to swell. Then I noticed her lips were getting larger. Time to break out the Benadryl!! It took almost an hour before the Benadryl really started to work. Poor Emily, I felt bad because I had mixed up the bowls of oatmeal and given her the wrong one, which made her feel horrible. The reaction eventually stopped and she was back to her old self, but then I noticed she kept periodically breaking out in hives, so I decided to give both girls a bath to clean off any milk that might still be on Emily's skin or Savannah's since they like to hug and kiss, and sometimes lick each other's faces.
The girls really enjoyed their bath, splashing around, pooring water on each other's heads and their own heads. They really like to help shampoo their own hair as well as each other's hair right now. The only part of the bath they don't seem to like is the rinsing of their hair. It really makes Emily upset. I've been trying to teach her how to rinse her own hair so that the experience is within her far she can rinse the front part of her hair. Other than that the bath was good. Neither of the girls pooped in the water this time, thanfully--that's always a big mess to clean up and it usually means an abrubt end to bathtime, which doesn't always set well with the girls. No, the challenge today for me was getting them both out of the tub, while trying to get diapers on quickly so they couldn't pee on the floor. Savannah is notorious for taking her diaper off if you don't dress her immediately after she gets a diaper on. So, while trying to get Emily out of the tub, Savannah proceeded to de-diaper herself. Thus the struggle began. I tried to dry Emily off, while also trying to keep her from climbing back into the tub, and also while trying to keep Savannah's diaper on.

Finally I got the girls out of the bathroom with diapers still on and into their room. I quickly dressed both girls and we were finally able read books. Both Emily and Savannah love to read books, although usually not the same book. We've been working on the whole taking turns with books. If they both bring me a book to read at the same time, I'll tell them we can read both, but whoever gave me a book first will be the one to choose the book to read first. Savannah isn't quite as accepting of this yet, but will cry and sit on my lap anyway to read the other book. Emily doesn't seem to be bothered too much if her's is the second book.

Lunch time was as a little bit, then throw everything on the floor and laugh. Then try to kick Mommy while she cleans up the mess, another thing I'm trying to teach them is that kicking people is not okay, it hurts! So when I said "no kicking mommy, kicking hurts mommy!" they laugh and then see the dog, Billy, and start saying "Kick Billy!". Yikes, I hope they really don't try that. So, another thing to teach them, no kicking the dog!

Nap time lasted a little longer today, which was nice for me because after our really busy morning I needed a break. I did check my email and the JCMOMS forum for used toys/equipement for sale. I've been looking for a little tikes picnic table and someone was selling one. Yay!! We picked it up after the girl's nap and I cleaned it up just before dinner and the girls really were excited to sit on it. Potential safety problem now is that they want to climb on top of it and stand on the table part. Not sure how to address this as they seem to ignore my warnings of "not safe" "sitting only" "no standing on the table" Seth ended putting it away in another room. Maybe after a few times of it getting put away they'll stop standing on it. We'll see happens.

Dinner was chaotic. I often feel like all I do is get up and down, up and down, up and down. I probably could organize our meal better and keep everything within reach, but often when everything is in site, the girls will repeatedly ask for more milk and not eat anyfood or focus on one food and repeatedly ask for I try to keep some things out of site in the kitchen. Which makes my job a little crazier. I'm sure this phase will pass...

My favorite part of today was just before we put the girls to bed. They recently learned the "Ring Around The Rosy" song/dance and they love it when Seth and I sing and play the game with them. They'll say "again" over and over after each "we all fall down!". They just laugh and laugh and have such big smiles on their faces. We played that for awhile then after getting pajamas on the girls, Seth and I pretended to ballroom dance with the girls--me with Emily and Seth with Savannah. We had briefly watched a few dances on "Dancing With The Stars", so the girls really kept asking to dance. It was a lot of fun. I hope I never forget that moment of dancing with our daughters.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I didn't know you had a blog! I'm so excited, because I don't get to see you very often. I hope you have a good day!