Sunday, July 13, 2008

Potty Training, Already??

Yesterday Savannah asked to go potty and poop-poop in the toilet. What? Did I hear that right? Yep. She repeatedly asked to go potty in the toilet. So, I took off her diaper, and held her on the toilet seat. She wasn't too happy about it because she was afraid she'd fall in the hole...but she insisted she needed to potty in the toilet. So after 10 minutes I told her it was time to be done. I put her in the bathtub and then she went potty. So later, I brought out 2 potty chairs and we practiced sitting on them. Then Savannah again asked me to help take her pants and diaper off, "Sanna need potty and poop-poop- in potty chair". So, after 10-15 minutes she actually did go potty and poop-poop. Today, she did the same thing twice. I think Savannah is going to potty-train herself.

Emily, on the other hand, is more interested in playing on the potty chair, although she has actually gone potty twice in the potty chair. It's become a family event at least for 3 out of the 4 of us.

This whole situation caught me by surprise. I had not originally planned on attempting any potty training until after the girls' 2nd birthday. They are 22 months old now. Maybe they are ready? I really think Savannah is ready. Not sure how Emily will do once the newness of the potty chair wears off. She likes to sit for 30 seconds, then stand up, turn around look at the potty chair, close the lid, open the lid, sit down, repeat, and then occassionally try to stand/squat on the potty chair. I am so afraid she's going to let loose on the floor while she's doing her little ritual. I guess it's bound to happen...I'm just not ready to tackle this double training thing yet. I haven't even read anything about potty training. Better get to work on my research or I may go crazy! Until then, I'll just keep waiting for Savannah or Emily to ask to use the potty chair...and the rest of the time I'm sticking with diapers for the next few months unless something miraculous happens.

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