Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Anger Venting Session!

I am so angry with both of my girls right now. I could just scream--if only my voice would come back so I could do so! Seth and I have been dealing with this newer "testing" behavior with both girls and I think it's reached it's high point.

Today, I wanted to take the girls to Target to pick out a toy for the Toys for Tots box at our dentist's office. I thought it would be a neat way to teach them about giving. Well, we never made it inside the store. As we pull into the parking lot, Emily starts using potty words--freely, almost in a sing-song name calling kind of way. We have been having a problem with this kind of talk (i.e calling someone a bottom or butt, and now poop). Mainly Emily and Savannah both seem to use this language at the dinner table. They get this really aurnery laugh--almost cackling laugh (I'm not exaggerating) and then you know that bad behavior is about to follow (at least I get a warning signal, right?). So, in the van Emily is saying these words over and over and just laughing and laughing and of course Savannah joins in. I try to remind them that it's not okay to talk that way outside of the bathroom. They just laugh and say, "Okay, bottom!".

So, now I'm getting really mad. I give them a warning not to say those words for call people names or they won't get to watch TV tomorrow morning. What does that do? Emily ups the pace and is now saying these words over and over, fast, in many variations of poop, butt, and bottom. So I take away TV. Still Emily keeps on and so does Savannah, I take away Halloween candy, no change. I take away playing outside, still no change. So, I then tell them that I will not take them into the store with them talking with potty words. STILL NO CHANGE! For the next 10 minutes, Emily and Savannah keep saying butt, bottom, and poop over and over, directly disobeying me. I am seething with anger at this point. Finally Emily then says, "Okay I'm done saying those words now". Savannah keeps on and then Emily again begins saying the potty words. So, I start the van back up, pull out of the parking lot and basically I'm yelling at the girls at this point--telling them they are acting bad and I will not go to the store with them when they are disobeying mommy and using potty words. When we got home, I sent them to their rooms and told them I didn't want to be around them when they were talking with potty words. What does Emily do? She looks at me and says, "Butt!". She got a spanking and then I told her she couldn't come out of her room for awhile. They have been sitting up in their rooms for the past 10 minutes and I am still angry. Right now I really feel like I could just leave them up their for another 2 hours until Seth gets home...and then leave, by myself to go to the store and get our necessities and totally forget the toys for tots teaching moment.

I am so sick of everywhere we go, my girls totally disobeying me and acting crazy and using words that don't sound nice. Seriously I have almost chosen to become home bound during the day because they have been acting so badly. It's frustrating to say the least. I don't know what to do to correct it, I've tried all the giving options and choices. If you warn Emily she'll have to go in time-out for disobeying, she'll look you in the face, continue to disobey and then tell you "I'll just go put myself in time-out", and she says it with a smile. ARRGGHHH!!! What am I doing wrong?!?!?!?

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