Friday, April 17, 2009

The World From a 2 Year Old's Perspective

Quotes from Savannah and Emily: "Look Mommy, the tree changed colors!" (Savannah talking about a red bud tree).

"We are keeping our door closed so the dinosaurs don't come in" (Emily).

"Big brown lady nipples!" (Savannah's observation when mommy was changing clothes).

"Does the fan have eyes?" (Emily)

"Do birds talk?" (Savannah)

"Was he driving crazy?" (Savannah, after everytime I break while driving the van).

"Is Daddy a man? Are you a lady?" (Savannah)

"Is that Grammie's house?" (Emily--pointing to our neighbor's house).

"Hey Big-Kid, can we slide down with you?" (Savannah speaking to an older child at the park...then I tell her that kid has a name) "But I don't know her name! Big-Kid, can we play with you?"

"I don't like ants to be in our house, mom. Ants no coming in our house!" (Savannah)

"What is here, Mom?" (Emily, whenever anyone comes to our door).

"Where are we going today?" (Emily, each morning after I get everyone dressed).

"I'm scared of the Bummer, I don't want the Bummer to be here". ( Savannah after anyone says the saying, "what a bummer! or oh,bummer"...guess she thinks it's someone or something to be afraid of. ) It's hard to explain sayings to 2 year olds.

There are many more...just can't think of them right now.

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