Friday, March 6, 2009

The Sticker Chart

After polling my mothers-of-multiples group, I have decided on a new plan that will hopefully motivate Savannah to keep her clothes on and stay in her bed and sleep when she's supposed to. So, I am implementing a sticker chart. Each time she stays in her bed and goes to sleep and keeps her clothes and diaper on, she earns a sticker. I started this two nights ago and so far Savannah has earned 2 stickers for staying in her bed/pajamas at night. She earned one for staying in her room during naptime while we had a babysitter here yesterday, although we also found she had taken the chart off the wall and torn it into 4 pieces. Not sure what that's about.

Today, we discovered the sticker chart torn into 7 pieces--Savannah stayed in her bed, but tore up the sticker chart. Frustrating. We've tried to explain if she tears it up then we won't be able to count her stickers. If she earns 10 then she gets to pick a treat or somewhere fun to go play or eat. I'm still having a hard time at nap time. I just went into her room because she was singing as loud as she possibly could "Lady Bug, Lady Bug, come into our house!! Lady Bug, come!" Cute and hilarious, but at the same time frustrating because she's supposed to be sleeping. So, I go in to her room to remind her to lay quietly, and what do I find? Savannah sitting on her bed, pantless, and diaperless I don't think she pottied on the floor...but I didn't do a whole room search either. She told me her diaper was wet. I asked her if that's why she took it off and she said yes. However, she won't sit on the potty chair before naptime when we try to get her to do it. What do I do? Both sets of footless zip-up pajamas are dirty, so we put her down for naptime in regular clothes, but I guess she's not ready to be trusted in just clothes. I think I may have to buy some more pajamas to cut the feet out of so I can get them on backwards...I hate having to do that, but so far it's the only thing keeping her diaper on. Oh yeah--on my way out of her room she matter-of-factly tells me she painted her dresser white with diaper cream. I look and sure enough--finger prints and marks all over the dresser. Just one more think to hide and put out of reach--so long to convenience!

I told Savannah she did not earn a sticker for nap time because she took her clothes/diaper off and was being loud instead of laying down quietly. It didn't seem to phase her much. So, who knows if this sticker chart will actually work. I'm hoping once Savannah sees that Emily is earning a sticker everytime that she will change her ways and try to get more stickers so she can pick out a treat too. We'll see...until then, I'm still going crazy and not getting my mommy nap.

1 comment:

John's Arts & Crafts said...

Cute photo! New blog on the Hx. of the Ladybug: