Monday, November 5, 2007

On The Mend

Savannah is finally starting to feel a bit better. She had fever for about 3 days and a runny nose and cough--she was just miserable. All she wanted to do for several days was sit in my lap. That was fine with me, but Emily didn't seem to like that..she got a little jealous and wanted to sit in my lap too, just not while Savannah was sitting with me. That's a difficult situation right now, I don't know how to explain the concept of "sharing" mommy or taking turns. I don't think they are old enough to understand that. So, we go through several bouts of crying and desperate attempts to get each other out of my lap...

Today, I feel like all I do is distract, remove, and chase babies. They are getting into everything and trying to climb on things they shouldn't. It's tiring after awhile. It makes me nervous too because I'm afraid they are going to get hurt when I can't get to one or the other twin when she's doing something dangerous. The couch is the main area that they are wanting to climb on now--they try to get over to the end tables and grab everything. One major goal of mine today is to take out the free standing bookshelf from their room. I just got an email from our mothers of multiples group about a family in the area who's 2 year old son (1 of triplets) died because he pulled a dresser down on top of him. I don't want anything like that to happen in our house, so out the bookshelf must go.

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