Tuesday, November 20, 2007


So I'm so afraid I will forget this, so I writing this down in my blog so that later I can go back and write it down for real and put this in Emily and Savannah's baby book. At 14 1/2 months old the girls are saying quite a few words.

Emily: hi, cup, snack, nap, nigh-nigh(night-night), up, meat, uh-oh, mama, dada, bump, bus, app(apple), breakfast, socks

Savannah: mama, dada, hi, cup, uh-oh, nap, meat, nigh-nigh, app (apple)

Now Savannah uses the baby signs in conjunction with noises more than Emily, so that may be why she has a few less words. She will sign and make the sounds for: elephant, violin, xylophone, dog, cat, truck, lion, silly, mad, head. They both can identify and point to their head, nose, mouth, eyes, ears, hands, fingers, feet, toes, belly, legs, hair--they can identify it in books as well as on other people. Pretty good I think.

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